Body and Mind in Balance

Copyright © John Yungclas. All rights reserved.



Body and Mind in Balance

Integrative massage therapy offers our community a chance to deepen their understanding of their bodies while releasing tension held in the the musculoskeletal system.​​

John Yungclas's mission is to create a community of people who live a healthy and balanced life through massage therapy.

Techniques Available for 
Your Customized Session

  • Swedish Massage Therapy
  • Myofascial Therapy
  • Deep Tissue Normalization
  • Trigger Point Therapy​
  • Thai Yoga Therapy
  • Sports Massage
  • Craniosacral Normalization
  • Shiatsu

​​Research Based Benefits of 

Massage Therapy

  • Pain Management
  • Physical and Mental Stress Relief
  • Enhances Athletic Performance
  • Fosters Peace of Mind
  • Greater Joint Flexibility
  • Strengthenes Immune System
  • Improves Posture
  • Promotes Mind-Body Awareness
  • Deeper and Easier Breathing
  • Enhances Creativity
  • Promotes Calm Thinking